tempvars Usage Examples

In all of these examples, it is assumed that TempVars has already been imported and that foo and bar have been defined as:

from tempvars import TempVars

foo = 1
bar = 2

The removal of a pre-existing variable from the namespace for the duration of a with TempVars context is termed masking here. Temporary variables created within the managed context that match one or more of names, starts, and/or ends are discarded (removed from the namespace) when exiting the context.


The most common use case us anticipated to be via either starts or ends, where a common prefix or suffix, respectively (such as t_ or _t), is used to mark all temporary variables within the managed context. See “Masking Variables by Pattern,” below.


Masking Specific Variables

The most basic usage is to supply individual variable names in the names argument:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo', 'bar']):
...     print('foo' in dir())
...     print('bar' in dir())
>>> print(foo + bar)


names must always be a list of strings, even when only one variable name is passed.

If a variable name passed to names doesn’t exist in the namespace, TempVars silently ignores it when entering the with block. It does, however, still discard any matching variables from the namespace upon exiting the with block:

>>> with TempVars(names=['baz']):
...     print('foo' in dir())
...     print('bar' in dir())
...     print(2 * (foo + bar))
...     baz = 5
...     print(baz)
>>> print(2 * (foo + bar))
>>> 'baz' in dir()

Masking Variables by Pattern

As noted above, variables can also be masked by pattern matching. Currently, only ‘starts with’ and ‘ends with’ matching styles are supported:

>>> with TempVars(starts=['fo'], ends=['ar']):
...     print('foo' in dir())
...     print('bar' in dir())
>>> print(foo + bar)


starts and ends must always be lists of strings, even when only one pattern is passed.

To avoid accidental masking of system variables, the starts argument cannot start with a double underscore:

>>> try:
...     with TempVars(starts=['__foo']):
...         pass
... except ValueError:
...     print('Argument rejected')
Argument rejected

Similarly, ends cannot end with a double underscore:

>>> try:
...     with TempVars(ends=['foo__']):
...         pass
... except ValueError:
...     print('Argument rejected')
Argument rejected

As well, neither starts nor ends can be a single underscore, since this also would mask Python system variables:

>>> try:
...     with TempVars(starts=['_']):
...         pass
... except ValueError:
...     print('Argument rejected')
Argument rejected

As with names, starts and ends also discard at exit any matching variables created within the with block, whether they existed previously or not:

>>> with TempVars(starts=['t_'], ends=['_t']):
...     t_foo = 6
...     bar_t = 7
...     print(t_foo * bar_t)
>>> 't_foo' in dir()
>>> 'bar_t' in dir()

Discarding Masked Variables

If desired, TempVars can be instructed not to restore any variables it masks from the original namespace, effectively discarding them permanently:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo', 'bar'], restore=False):
...     pass
>>> 'foo' in dir()
>>> 'bar' in dir()

TempVars contexts can be freely nested to allow selective restore/discard behavior:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo'], restore=False):
...     with TempVars(names=['bar']):
...         foo = 3
...         bar = 5
...         print(foo * bar)
...     print(foo * bar)
>>> print(bar)
>>> 'foo' in dir()

Binding TempVars Instances

TempVars is constructed so that each instance can be bound as part of the with statement, for later inspection within and after the managed context. The masking pattern arguments are stored without modification, but are duplicated from the input argument to avoid munging of mutable arguments:

>>> names_in = ['foo']
>>> with TempVars(names=names_in, starts=['baz', 'quux'], ends=['ar']) as tv:
...     print(tv.starts)
...     print(tv.ends)
...     print(tv.names)
...     print('foo' in dir())
...     print('bar' in dir())
['baz', 'quux']
>>> names_in.append('quorz')
>>> print(tv.names)

As shown above, these instance variables can also be examined after the end of the managed context.

Inspecting Masked Variables

TempVars provides a means to access the masked variables from within the managed context, via the stored_nsvars instance variable:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo']) as tv:
...     print(list(tv.stored_nsvars.keys()))
...     print(tv.stored_nsvars['foo'])
...     print('foo' in dir())

The masked variables remain available after the end of the managed context, even if they are not restored when the context exits:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo']) as tv:
...     pass
>>> print(tv.stored_nsvars['foo'])
>>> with TempVars(names=['bar'], restore=False) as tv2:
...     pass
>>> print('bar' in dir())
>>> print(tv2.stored_nsvars['bar'])

A caveat: the masked variables are bound within stored_nsvars by simple assignment, which can have (possibly undesired) side effects when mutable objects are modified after being masked:

>>> baz = [1, 2, 3]
>>> with TempVars(names=['baz']) as tv:
...     tv.stored_nsvars['baz'].append(12)
>>> print(baz)
[1, 2, 3, 12]
>>> baz.remove(2)
>>> print(tv.stored_nsvars['baz'])
[1, 3, 12]

If copy() or deepcopy() behavior is of interest, please add a comment to that effect on the related GitHub issue.

Inspecting Discarded Temporary Variables

In an analogous fashion to stored_nsvars, the temporary variables discarded from the namespace at the exit of the managed context are stored in retained_tempvars:

>>> with TempVars(names=['foo']) as tv:
...     foo = 5
...     print(foo * bar)
>>> print(foo + tv.retained_tempvars['foo'])

Also as with stored_nsvars, at this time the values within retained_tempvars are bound by simple assignment, leading to similar possible side effects:

>>> baz = [1, 2]
>>> with TempVars(names=['baz']) as tv:
...     tv.stored_nsvars['baz'].append(3)
...     baz = tv.stored_nsvars['baz']
>>> tv.retained_tempvars['baz'].append(4)
>>> print(baz)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

As above, if copy() and/or deepcopy() behavior is of interest, please comment on the relevant GitHub issue.